Cool Info About How To Check Fido Voicemail

Click on the voicemail number and delete it.
How to check fido voicemail. When you finish, tap stop. To listen to your greeting, tap play. Go to settings > call setting > voicemail settings > voicemail number.
To reset your voicemail pin from the ivr you can follow these steps: Select option 2 to send. Lost device, repair & warranty;
You can check out the steps here. Press 2, then follow the instructions to change your voice. Tap the three dots (upper right corner of screen) tap “settings” tap “voicemail” tap “advanced.
How do i check my voicemail fido? Select voicemail and tap greeting then tap custom. Then 3 to access the services menu.
Also, ask them to check that voicemail has been setup for your account,. On the other hand, if you. Tap on voicemail > advanced settings > setup.
Contact a fido customer service agent to see what is the voicemail deposit number assigned to your account. Contact a fido customer service agent to see what is the voicemail deposit number assigned to your account. When you are satisfied, tap save.